Welcome to PWN Madrid– part of the PWN Global Federation of women networks. We are a Business Network for women whose purpose is to promote growth and self- development with openness and integrity. We have been bringing internationally minded professional women together to connect, share and learn since 2006. We offer inspiring and engaging events, workshops, training, webinars and mentoring.

2021 sees us celebrating our 15th anniversary.

PWN Madrid is a global movement of people working  towards gender balanced leadership through professional  development and international, cross-industry, online and in person networking.

Te presentamos el Blog de PWN Madrid, donde podrás encontrar todas las actividades que realizamos para nuestr@s soci@s, corporate partners y el resto de la sociedad con el objetivo de fomentar la igualdad de género, la reducción de las desigualdades, el fomento de la justicia social y el empoderamiento de la mujer.

¡Entra aquí para descubrirlo!


PWN offers you a one-stop platform to connect with like-minded professionals from across the world; to develop your skills and competencies, and to share your experience and knowledge. Become a member of the PWN Global community and you can:

  • Access a ready built global professional network that will help you to achieve your career aspirations
  • Learn from diverse sources (local events, mentoring, forums, webinars and dynamic content) how you can advance your career and make a difference to gender balance globally

Become a Corporate Partner and make a difference. We will support you with our corporate services, raise your visibility as a Gender Balanced Organisation and meet your geographical needs with a comprehensive programme. Together we will place gender balance at the very core of your operations.

Connect, share, learn, advance – yourself and the world!


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