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  • Rita Men is an associate professor of public relations at University of Florida, and has closely followed how top CEOs in the US are responding to the coronavirus crisis.
  • Men discovered five key themes that these CEOs follow when communicating with their employees and customers.
  • They focus on transparency, being authentic and self-aware, expressing empathy, and putting their employees first.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

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Question: What do Comoros, Micronesia, Tajikistan and Tuvalu have in common? Answer: They are among the very few – 18, to be exact – countries with no officially reported cases of the novel coronavirus (as of this writing). Indeed, one would have to reach far back in living memory to find an event whose global reach matches that of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, although its grip enfolds virtually the entire world, the pressure is not evenly distributed among all people and places.

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The COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on humanity at an unprecedented scale. Draconian measures governments are imposing in an attempt to “flatten the curve” have triggered a swift and massive economic crisis. Businesses must constantly adapt to the fast-evolving situation and plan accordingly.

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The coronavirus crisis is a world-changing event. Here are seven elements for business leaders to consider as they plan for the next normal.

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Here are 10 important considerations for business leaders who are going through this kind of struggle for the first time.

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