29 July 2022 Language : English

Navigating fast changes in technology and strategic patterns, companies are now investing in lifelong learning programs. However, these programs are not as effective as they should be. This is because the main concern is to provide employees with skills and information, without any concern about what learning really is about.

What lifelong learning is really about

Real learning is not to absorb pre-existing skills: in a rapidly changing world, this kind of learning ages very fast and companies lose opportunities. The key point is that learning is not only about transferring knowledge but it includes creating new information and skills. This approach takes a lot more risks and effort than just absorbing the book. In fact, all lifelong learners share these key aspects.

First of all, they are committed to making a difference in their field of interest.

Moreover, when confronted with new challenges, they are excited to connect with others that can help them find answers and make an impact. They seek challenges as possibilities to get better in the field of interest and are easily bored when challenges lack.

The benefits of lifelong learning

That said it’s easy to understand that companies take a significant advantage in hiring lifelong learners: they are able to benefit from the constant changes and innovations occurring in any field, bringing commitment passion and new ideas. But lifelong learning has great advantages for learners too:

·       Improved sense of confidence: it is satisfying to spend time exploring fields of our interest and the results boost our sense of achievement and self-esteem.

·       Recognition of our personal interests and goals: to choose a field we want to explore we need to become aware of what matters to us, what is worth our time and effort and it can lead to new opportunities.

·       Improved motivation: sometimes we feel stuck in routines and everyday duties. Devoting our time to something of our choice, that inspires us and makes us happy is a big factor of motivation, as it reminds us that we still have control over how we spend our time.

·       Improvement in other skills: often when we’re busy acquiring a new skill, we develop other minor skills that are necessary for the tasks at stake. This is what happens, for instance, if we develop our drawing skills and find ourselves working on our creativity.


Ilaria Brusa - PWN Content Creator

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