PWN Vienna Workshop - Immunity to Change

25 January 2021 18:30 - 20:30 Online: Zoom
mmunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock the

It’s that time of year again, when we turn our long-held desires into shiny New Year’s Resolutions. Lose weight, spend some time on self-care or be a more effective decision maker, even when it comes to the unpopular decisions? Then February arrives and we realize that we are not able to follow through on our commitments. Change is hard, and even harder to maintain.

In this workshop Michael sheds light on how part of our subconscious mind, patterns and assumptions stop us from bringing about a personal change that we want. He also talks about what kinds of mechanisms are at play, and how to overcome them, so that we actually can and do change. The workshop is based on the Immunity to Change approach developed by Harvard Professors and Developmental Psychologists Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey. It takes place as an interactive presentation.

potential in yourself and your organization

Event details

Online: Zoom

Member price
€0 per attendee
Non-member price
€25 per attendee


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