PWN Paris - Launch PWN Paris Inclusive Mentoring Program

20 February 2019 Grant Thornton - 92 Neuilly-sur-Seine

Après avoir encouragé le Mentoring entre femmes dirigeantes ou encore entre jeunes et seniors, l’association lance le 1er programme de « Mentoring inclusif : Femmes-Hommes ».  C’est l’occasion pour PWN Paris de valoriser la réussite professionnelle au féminin en incluant la sphère masculine.

Ce programme sélectif et innovant, dirigé par Sarah Haddane, vice-présidente PWN Paris en charge du Mentoring, a pour objectif d’apporter aux hommes conseil pour leur développement professionnel doublé d’un éclairage féminin. Des femmes évoluant dans les hautes sphères économiques vont ainsi endosser le rôle de mentor auprès d’hommes. Ceux-ci pourront alors bénéficier des expériences et valeurs de ces femmes mentors  ainsi que de leur sensibilité managériale. 

Les avantages du programme pour les mentees :

  • Mieux se connaître
  • Bénéficier d’un accompagnement et d’un leadership féminin 
  • Recevoir des commentaires constructifs d'une professionnelle
  • Apprendre à être accompagné
  • Vérifier la solidité de son projet professionnel


After building Mentoring programs between women leaders or between young and old, the network launches the 1st program "Inclusive Mentoring: Women-Men". This is the opportunity for PWN Paris to promote professional success for women by including the male sphere.

This selective and innovative program, led by Sarah Haddane, Vice President PWN Paris in charge of Mentoring, aims to provide men with advice for their professional development with a women lighting. Top Executive Women in the economy will thus take on the role of mentor to men. Men will then benefit from these women mentors experiences and values as well as their managerial sensitivity.

What benefits for you as mentee ?

  • Better know you and your strengths 
  • Take advantage from Top Exec Leader experiences 
  • Receive advices from a leader
  • Learn to accept feedback 
  • Stress your professional project

***  3 seats are still available !  ***

If you are interested to join the journey and being part of the next generation inclusive leaders! please contact PWN Paris mentoring team at for the application requirement.


The program Kick Off: FEB 20 2019 / 7PM

You will receive an official invitation by next week.


Application closed for PWN Paris Digital Reverse Mentoring
Application closed January 16th 2019 for the January session. Next session will be held next year.
Contact information : 
Application closed for Career and Leadership PWN Paris Mentoring Program
 On going session until September 2019. Next session on October 2019


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